Services Offered

  • Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive means of analyzing the body in order to determine the underlying causes of ill health by evaluating the autonomic nervous system. This involves neuromuscular reflexes that relate to the state of health of the body’s organs and glands. This is the body’s way of communicating which areas or systems of the body are weak or dysfunctional and in need of support. The appropriate nutritional solutions are determined and are used to feed the body and help it repair itself to achieve optimum health. In this way the causes of ill health are addressed and resolved, as well as the symptoms.

  • Feeling is believing. When we feel pain or discomfort in our body, we know something is wrong. Using the Nutritional Palpation Exam, moderate pressure is applied to various areas of the body including organs, glands and trigger points. If pain or discomfort are felt, the area is palpated again while using nutritional formulas to ascertain the specific nutrition that is needed to support that area of the body. When the appropriate nutritional solution is found the pain will be minimized or disappear completely.

  • I use professional-grade nutritional supplements in the form of whole foods and herbs. Whole food supplements are the concentrated, therapeutic levels of food needed to affect change in physiology. They are pure and most ingredients are grown on organic farms in the US. The herbs are produced at therapeutic doses, containing more active ingredients than other brands. How do these differ from retail strength supplements? If you think of it in terms of medications, you have both over-the-counter and prescription medicines. If you have a minor headache, you might use an over-the-counter medicine. But if you had an excruciating, debilitating migraine, you’d want a prescription strength medication to take care of that better and faster. You wouldn’t choose an over-the-counter remedy for a critical level of need. In much the same way, you wouldn’t want to choose a retail strength supplement for a critical level of need. You’d want a professional-grade supplement to take care of that better and faster.

    It's important to note that investigations into some supplements sold in retail stores have found that little to none of the ingredients listed on the labels of the supplements were found in the actual supplement.

    Fraud abounds in the supplement industry. That’s why I only choose supplement companies I know well, trust, and believe to be the best on the market. These are the supplements I use and recommend to my clients because I want them to have only the very best.

  • NDP™ and Neural Depolarization™, an energy therapy, is a natural and non-invasive means of eliminating pain and illness. With a gentle fingertip touch, NDPTM directly energizes the nerves and their natural healing response, bringing them back into full function. Damage and impairment of the nerves, as a cause of pain and illness, are repaired. Pain and illness are eliminated as the nerves are restored to their normal function. NDPTM is expansive in its scope of effectiveness as it works with the entire body, and therefore multiple forms of discomfort or pain may be addressed simultaneously. NDPTM has effectively addressed the following:

    • Neurological disorders

    • Neurodegenerative disease

    • Motor dysfunction

    • Nerve damage

    • Chronic Pain

    • Anxiety/Emotional distress

  • A healthy mind supports the creation of a healthy body. Spiritual Consultations as talk sessions are helpful in offering a fresh perspective on yourself and how your thinking is helping to shape your life and can be either harmful or healing. Pain and illness often have an emotional component which can be on a sub-conscious or un-conscious level, and they may offer beautiful lessons for learning and growth. These may be realized in the course of our discussions. These sessions are also helpful for those who would like someone to talk to, who will listen without judgment. This can be very valuable as you work through challenging times.

Cary Office Space

What to Expect

After you’ve scheduled your first appointment, I will send you a couple of health assessment forms (link below) and ask that you return them to me several days prior to our appointment.  This gives me adequate time to thoroughly review them, do research if needed and develop an idea of what may be the root of your problems. I will also ask you to send me any recent lab work for review. All of this paints a picture before I even see you. Our first appointment will run 60 to 90 minutes and we will go over your assessment forms and lab work.  I will ask you a lot of questions so I can gauge your history because everyone’s experience is unique and important to understand. Often within the history that you share, there are key factors that can help me to understand the potential cause and the solution to your health concerns.

Based on what I’ve learned about your unique situation, I will use one or more techniques to determine where the weakness lies within you and which areas or systems of the body need the most support.  I’ll also determine what specific nutritional solutions will work best for you to help you rebuild and restore function.

Follow-up appointments are usually scheduled in two-week intervals. Nutrition changes physiology and often the best solution for you changes with it.  Restoring your health is a journey.  We’ll travel that journey together and I will be there to support you every step of the way.